Humidity Calibration laboratory houses three controlled humidity chambers covering a temperature range of 0°C to 60°C with a unique facility for controlling probe stem conduction balancing. Automated humidity calibrations can be undertaken on instruments with communication protocols.
A wide range of transmitters and sensors can be calibrated from the popular suppliers seen throughout the UK, including Rotronic, Vaisala, Michell, Dwyer, Kimo, Setra and Gemini. All calibrations are traceable to national standards and follow the guidelines as set out in ISO 17025:2017. UKAS Accredited RH and Dew Point calibrations available across 0 - 60°C and 5 to 95% RH. Reference humidity measurements are made using MBW chilled mirrors and reference RH sensors rather than calibration salts. Controlled chamber environments are closely controlled and monitored for thermal stability and homogeneity, to ensure measured conditions are a true reflection on the installed chamber environment. Both Humidity 5 to 95% RH and Dew Point -20 to 70 Deg C calibrations can be undertaken and various temperatures.
Field Service technicians are equipped with Rotronic and HumGen2 portable humidity calibrators for the onsite calibration of RH probes and sensors, with an external pumping system, to allow the calibration of remote humidity sensors without the need to remove the sensor from its installation position.
- UKAS Accredited RH Calibrations
- UKAS On-Site Calibration
- Humidity & Dew Point
- Stem Conduction Testing
- CMC Uncertainty RH ± 1.5% RH
- CMC Uncertainty Dew Point ± 0.2 Deg C
- Chilled Mirror
- Digital Indicators and Probes
- Humidity Generators
- Psychrometers
- Humidity Recorders
- Tinytag Sensors
- Thermohygrographs
- Transmitters
- Dew Point
- Weather Stations
- Cleanrooms